Striving For Success
Who Are You Meant to Be?
Accelerate Your Development for a Better You
Accelerate Your Development for a Better You
Discover how you can fulfill all of your professional and personal goals by developing yourself with the help of Striving For Success in Kansas City, Missouri. We offer consulting services and training to individuals and companies nationwide.
Who Are You Meant To Be?
Before we can develop or change our behavior, we must first understand ourselves. What motivates us to do the things we do in life? Why do we behave in a particular way or act the way we do in relationships? And most importantly, what can we do about it?
These are questions that can only be answered by looking within. However, too often, we focus on looking outside and comparing ourselves to “ideals,” which only distance us further from knowing our true nature.
The Striving Styles Personality System (SSPS)
The Striving Styles Personality System (SSPS)
This is the only developmental framework that integrates multiple disciplines and theories, including the latest advances in neuroscience in order to reflect the full human experience, giving people the tools to
shift their behavior and fully achieve their potential.
The Striving Styles is an evolution of Carl Jung’s Theory of Personality Type, popularized by the MBTI®, True Colors®, and DiSC®. However, its focus on the brain shows people how to break long-standing patterns of behavior that get in the way of their success.
Become who you are meant to be! To get started on your personal development journey, talk to us today.